Our team is comprised of genuinely gifted minds
Dedicated specialist nurses
Our senior management team is headed by 3 Specialist nurses who have dedicated their careers to providing care for adults and children with complex healthcare needs and spinal injuries. Above all they understand the need to put their clients at the very centre of every decision that is made about their care and involve their clients and their family each and every step of the way.
We embed our ethos into every package
Our ethos is one of quality and that quality will be embedded into every element of every care package we provide, from the in-depth bespoke training that we will provide to our care teams to the way that we produce our care plans putting every client’s ambitions for their future at the very centre of our decision making process.
We also strongly believe in treating people well, this includes our staff as well as our clients. This makes for a happy service where everybody is cared for.
Recruitment to meet your requirements
We will recruit your care team specifically to meet your requirements not just from a clinical skills point of view but by also selecting the right personalities to integrate into your family home making the transition away from feeling that you are receiving care to feeling that you have a team of supportive people around you to enable you to live an active and fulfilling life within your community.