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About Us

As specialists in spinal injuries HLG Complex Care Ltd aims to provide the highest levels of care and support for individuals with complex healthcare needs across the Midlands and the North of England.

Our team is comprised of genuinely gifted minds

Registered Manager and Director


Leila runs the day-to-day management of HLG Complex Care and Heads up organisational governance.

Leila has been a registered adult nurse since 2008 and worked as a Case Manager with SCI clients since 2016. Leila has managed a Nursing Home that supported individuals with physical disabilities and spinal injuries. Leila has managed a complex home care provision for individuals as well as leading clinical practices. She is always happy to hear from you and along with the admin team is our first port of call.
Clinical Lead Nurse Director


Helen has been a nurse since 1983 and is a registered adult and paediatric nurse. She has years of experience working with both children and adults in complex care.

Helen has been a nurse since 1983 and is a registered adult and paediatric nurse. She has years of experience working with both children and adults in complex care. She was a ward sister from an early age caring for those with ENT problems, tracheostomies and ventilators. Helen went on to work for Nutricia as an expert in enteral feeding. Helen has recently worked with complex care agencies setting up and managing care packages in the north of England with two large care providers and has worked in the youth offending team. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience with many of the related complications of those with a spinal cord injury and has worked as a case manager in spinal injuries since 2018. Helen is our Clinical Director and oversees all of our clinical practices. Helen is our Clinical Lead Nurse Director and Heads up the Clinical practices for HLG.
Office Manager


Catherine has worked with HLG since its conception and continues to be a key cog in the company’s engine.

Catherine is our office manager and leads the administrative team and keeps us afloat with her outstanding skills and knowledge. She currently leads the payments and bookkeeping systems and has over 25 years of experience which we gain from and feel very fortunate to work with her.

Dedicated specialist nurses

Our senior management team is headed by 3 Specialist nurses who have dedicated their careers to providing care for adults and children with complex healthcare needs and spinal injuries. Above all they understand the need to put their clients at the very centre of every decision that is made about their care and involve their clients and their family each and every step of the way.

We embed our ethos into every package

Our ethos is one of quality and that quality will be embedded into every element of every care package we provide, from the in-depth bespoke training that we will provide to our care teams to the way that we produce our care plans putting every client’s ambitions for their future at the very centre of our decision making process.

We also strongly believe in treating people well, this includes our staff as well as our clients. This makes for a happy service where everybody is cared for.

Recruitment to meet your requirements

We will recruit your care team specifically to meet your requirements not just from a clinical skills point of view but by also selecting the right personalities to integrate into your family home making the transition away from feeling that you are receiving care to feeling that you have a team of supportive people around you to enable you to live an active and fulfilling life within your community.